Life is lived in rhythms.
Our amazing human body has a sense of timing.
And in alignment to a set of synchronized cyclic patterns goes about its daily business of keeping us alive and well.
You may have heard about circadian rhythms? Over a 24 hour day, they regulate our sleep/wake cycles.
Another rhythm our bodies align to are Ultradian rhythms.
The fundamental role of Ultradian rhythms are to manage our cycles of energy spend and recovery.
Our ultradian rhythm operates every 80 to 120 minutes (90 minutes on the average).
During this 90 minute phase we typically engage in energy consuming work.
After this period we require a 15-20 minute 🪫restFULL break🔋
During this break our body has a chance to:
✅recover from the work we’ve done
✅rebalance our systems
✅replenish our energy
This ensures we have available capacity for the next cycle of work. (See slider)🔋
🤔So how might knowing this help you navigate the week – even better?
Let’s be honest, many of us aren’t taking *proper* breaks, often enough or even every 90 minutes.
So instead of working with our bodies design for optimal function like this➡️ work>rest>work>rest>work>rest, we work against it’s design in this pattern➡️ work>work>work>work>work.
💡Is it any wonder we might be feeling worn out? Tired all the time?
A new week is around the corner…
🔸We have an opportunity to work in harmony with our bodies, that lends itself to feeling better and doing better 🔸
What will you choose?
Check out the slider for some more insights and some reminders.
🌱Hello, I’m Alison, a Self Leadership and Mental Fitness Coach.
🧡Supporting you to:
🔸get out of survival mode
🔸learn how to operate from performance zone
🔸lead yourself through your next big transition, with conviction
🔸create lasting worklife harmony