Well, it’s the last one…

The last Friday in January… already.

For me, it has felt an unusually fast month.

This prompted me to do a little reflection.

4 things I noticed:
1. improved energy levels
2. not being properly fuelled distracts me
3. getting enough protein, elevates my overall sense of well-being

… and the 4th, is something I have resisted many times thinking it would make things boring and too restrictive.

To my surprise, I have felt a sense of liberation:
✅making less decisions daily and gaining mental space
✅a sense of accomplishment from the follow-through
✅energy and time savings

So what was my 4th reflection?

It was recognising 🔸the power of having the right routines🔸

Given this month’s results, I am bought-in to seeing what else might work for me, even if at first, the routine seems unappealing 😉

So that’s it for my January 2023 reflections…

✳️What’s your experience with routine? 

✳️A fan?

✳️What habits support your routines?

🌱Hello, I’m Alison, a Self Leadership and Mental Fitness Coach.
🧡Supporting you to:
🔸get out of survival mode
🔸learn how to operate from performance zone
🔸lead yourself through your next big transition, with conviction
🔸create lasting worklife harmony

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