Just because we talk about it..
And it seems like a pretty normal thing for us to be able to do, doesn’t mean it comes easy.
I’m talking about truly relaxing…
Truly slowing down – what does that even look like for you?
Disconnecting – or are you actually – always connected?
I recall times, I’d tell myself I was relaxed, I would tell others I was relaxing but really the noise of the week was still whirring round my mind.
Typically this would include thoughts about:
🔹work conversations
🔸to do lists
🔹targets to meet
🔸challenges to resolve
🔹difficult conversations to be had
🔸trying to recall what I had and hadn’t done
🔹presentations and important updates to create and deliver
I sometimes felt my brain was a spinning merry go round of thoughts, that I desperately wanted to get off so I could instead feel quiet and peaceful.
A lot has changed for me and for that I am grateful. It is easy to get caught up in the pace of life that we forget how to slow ourselves.
Often slowing ourselves creates discomfort, because it feels so unfamiliar – even if it is exactly what we need to do for ourselves.
🔸How easy to you find it to relax?
🔸How do you know you are really switched off from the noise of life?
🔸This weekend, might it be time to slow down, get quiet, make space and come home to yourself?
🌱I am Alison, a Self Leadership and Mental Fitness Coach.
🧡Supporting you to:
🔸get out of survival mode
🔸learn how to operate from performance zone
🔸lead yourself through your next big transition, with conviction
🔸create lasting worklife harmony