➡️You hide your authentic self fearing you aren’t good enough.
➡️Upon receiving feedback, you experience feelings of guilt and shame
➡️You avoid difficult decisions and defer to others to make them for you.
➡️The idea of making the wrong choice fills you with fear.
➡️The last thing you want to do is disappoint others.
In order to lead ourselves and have a fulfilling life, we need to trust ourselves.
When we don’t trust ourselves we can end up being scattered, going in a million different directions and our actions often don’t line up with what really matters to us.
A disconnect can occur between who you are and how you act.
This disconnect is something I have often experienced in my life.
Not only did I feel like I was wearing a mask daily, working against my true self was utterly exhausting.
So how can you begin to move away from self doubt to self trust?
😖Notice your mind chatter😖
When you hear yourself in a cycle of self-doubt and criticism, take a moment to respond, like you would with a good friend.
How could you be their biggest supporter?
What could they do to feel better?
Might that also work for you?
👌Give yourself permission 👌
If you don’t trust yourself to make decisions, start small.
For example, choose to listen to your needs.
We all know when we need rest, but often we deny ourselves that much needed time out. Our narrative is often a fear of being judged as slacking and that there is something more important to do.
In fact, knowing when to rest and giving that to yourself is strength.
Another small decision you might make is, to give yourself the time and space you need away from people who drain you. Choosing instead to do things your way, that feel good, nourish and support you.
✋Uphold your personal boundaries✋
When we don’t trust ourselves we are likely to have a harder time saying no and standing firm when people overstep, as they do.
Getting clear on acceptable ways for other people to behave towards you, will help you confidently recognise when they are not and build your self trust.
Ask yourself, what is the goal in setting a boundary or needing to set a boundary? It takes time to establish boundaries, to learn to communicate them and uphold them. It’s an investment of time that pays dividends across your life.
😊If peace of mind is on your wish list, consider how you invest in building your self trust.
🌱Lead Yourself 🌱Lead Your Life 🌱Live Well
Ring the bell 🔔on my profile for more content on self acceptance, #selfcompassion, #selfdoubt, #selftrust and #selfleadership. If you’d like to know more about how to bring more of these into your life, drop me a DM and let’s chat.
Follow Alison Sinclair – Self Leadership Coach